
Conversations about mental health at work are challenging.

To the relief of many managers, there are simple ways to support team resilience and start the mental health conversation before needing the bigger and more personal R.U.Okay conversation.

This is done by taking advantage of the strong link between mental and physical stress.

For example, if you’re feeling anxious or nervous before a meeting, your whole body becomes tense, your breathing quickens and your brain starts to go into fight or flight mode, impairing your thinking. BUT, by doing 20 quick wall push-ups to get rid of the adrenaline, then taking a deep breath and consciously releasing the tension in your neck, shoulders, and jaw, you can walk into the meeting feeling calmer and more focused.

The physical affects the mental – just as the mental affects the physical.


Discover More | Please register for our Free Mental Resilience Webinar | Click Here

Book Early | Spaces are limited.


Take Advantage Of The Link

Team meetings are a great way to introduce stress-relieving skills.  Below are easy-to-share actions that take advantage of the link between mental and physical stress. Choose one of these simple, light-hearted, stress-reducing actions at the start of team meetings, and your team will immediately feel the benefits.


ROLL RESET RELAX | Use This Dynamic Stretching As A Stress-Relief Action

Start with the Roll Reset Relax because this dynamic stretch also releases muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, commonly experiencing pain during computer work. When we work on computers, these are the areas where we build up a lot of tension, and the only way to release that tension is by making big movements and consciously relaxing.

Ask your team to do these actions with you:

  • Squeeze your shoulders to your ears.
  • Now squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Push your shoulders down.
  • Now, pull your shoulders as far forward as you can.
  • Then roll your shoulders forward three times and back three times.
  • Finally, take a deep breath and consciously relax your arms into your lap.

Ask your team:

  • Are they hearing the crunch and crackle during the release?
  • How do their shoulders feel now they are relaxed?


If you would like the ROLL RESET RELAX poster with instructions, Click Here.


CUES | At Your Workstation, Mindful Moment

Okay. Your second Team Meeting is an excellent time to introduce your team to Cues.


During the meeting, ask everyone to think of a time they have become stressed or anxious (e.g. after a bad customer or a complicated sequence of calls). Ask them to reflect on how this felt as you practice letting go of that stress.


Ask your team to DO these actions with you as you talk.

  • Settle back in your chair or relax if standing.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Check in with how you’re feeling.
  • Become aware.
  • Take deep breaths and consciously relax and release any muscle tension, including the tension in your brow and jaw.
  • Start counting in cycles of four to release any negative thoughts and return to calm.
  • Forget all the things you need to be doing. Instead, just decide the one thing you need to do next.

Ask your team:

  • To reflect for a moment. How do they feel?
  • Ask if anyone is comfortable to share how they feel.


Create A Break From Work | Walk And Count

Creating a habit at the end of the day to clear your head and release the stress of the day has value for you and your family or friends you go home to.

To create this space:

  • Encourage a brisk 10-minute walk while also counting steps, which helps to release muscle tension and any adrenaline, clear the mind and prepare for a relaxed evening at home.

Ask your team to:

  • Just for one minute, look down at the floor, walk on the spot and count their steps.
  • The more competitive in the group will want to win by counting the most steps, so remind them that this is not a race. It is a relaxation technique.



Plan Your Next Step

Leadership plays a crucial role in encouraging staff to implement these actions without feeling awkward. By showcasing these practical, no-cost, easy-to-apply health, safety, and wellness tactics at team meetings and practising them during the week, managers can set a positive example and create a supportive environment for mental health.


Add A Personal Touch

There are many great ways to start the health, safety and wellbeing conversation, and I would love to hear yours.

  • Drop your ideas and experiences in the comments to contribute to a community of resources for all to share.



If you would like to discover more and ask questions about other practical ways to support your team:

Join us on the 27th of March for our FREE

Mental Health & Resilience Webinar

Wellness Tips to Enhance Team Engagement and Retention

Please register early as numbers are limited | https://keap.app/contact-us/5241705798869603

We look forward to seeing you soon.




P.S. 3 Simple Ways to Connect with Beyond Ergo

To discover how Beyond Ergo programs extend training to bridge the health, safety and wellness training gap.

Why not join our FREE webinar to see our programs in action?

  • Click Here for an early notification, as numbers will be limited.

Have you planned your Wellness talks for this year?

  • Click here to book a tentative date for your Lunch and Learn, and we will call to learn more about your needs and timing.

Or, Click Here to book a call at a time that suits you to find out more.



What We Do | We help businesses improve productivity and labour costs by decreasing work-related pain and risk of injury claims. We do this by training the Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) individuals need for modern computer-intensive work and play.

These new multidiscipline programs go Beyond Ergonomics to build Self-Care Competencies for today’s mobile, computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary workforce.