Small Changes Project

Discover an always-growing collection of practical resources to help you build a healthier, safer and more engaged workforce.

It all starts with the small changes and little habits that build into self-care competencies – the personal protective behaviours (PPBs) we all need when working in computer-based work environments.

Download other FREE resources to boost your staff’s health, safety, and wellness today!


Small Changes Checks & Useful Resources

Useful Resources – Government and Health Authorities 

The Small Checks To Make Every Day

Telecommuters – Ergo & Wellbeing Checklist

Supporting the Mental and Physical Health of Consultants

Small Changes Videos

The Small Actions To Take Every Day

Take A Break

Save these videos to your phone. Relax your mind while on the treadmill or even meditating

Beyond Ergo Statements

Documents such as

  • Position Paper
  • White Paper
  • Capability Statment


Small Changes Checks & Useful Resources

Small checks to make every day

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Health & Wellbeing Qld

Creating Healthier Workplaces 

Click here to discover tools and resources to create a healtheir workplace, including

  • The Work Health and Wellbeing Toolkit; A practical guide to developing a successful healthy workplace program
  • The Work Health and Wellbeing Interventions Tool; Develop interventions to manage work health and wellcing risks
  • The Healthy Workplace Audit Tool; A tool to assess workplace systems and environments and identify areas for improvement
  • The Work Health and Wellbeing Online Learning Course; An interactive course for creating business systems to improve the health of workers and workplaces

WA Gov Workplace Health Promotion Toolkit

Australians spend about a third of their lives at work, making the workplace an ideal setting for promoting health and wellbeing.

Click here to discover an amazing array of resources and training programs, including

  • How to develop a comprehensive workplace health program
  • Quick wins to make your workplace healthier
  • Healthy tips for workers
  • Online training
  • Newsletters and updates

U.K. NHS - ACTIVE 10 | May be easier than 10,000 Steps

Get active

"No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind. Adults should aim to be active every day. Some is good – more is better still.

A daily brisk walk can boost your energy, lift your mood and make everyday activities easier.

Try these tools, tips and special offers to move more every day".

Web Link Click Here

Aust Gov - Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines

Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines and the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

This page contains Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for adults and older Australian’s and the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years; and the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Young People including links to brochures and other resources.

Web Link

  • Research-backed guidelines
  • Extensive range of resources
  • Regardless of how young or old you are, there are physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines available for you.


Beyond Ergo - Roll-Reset-Relax

Reduce neck and shoulder discomfort by 50%

Download this flyer with instruction notes.

As we type or swipe, we build up tension in our neck and shoulders. To release the tension that leads to sore muscles and headaches, we need to do a big movement and consciously relax.

Build a Roll-Rest-Relax into a regular habit

Beyond Ergo - Easy Workstation Checklist

Check these  common issues that lead to pain

Self-Care Competencies

For a Unique 21st Century Workforce

Download this illustrated PDF showing solutions for common issues causing pain and possible injuries when working with screens  

Beyond Ergo - Working From Home - Ergo & Health Checklist

How to support staff working remotely

Download our FREE 17 page guide that goes beyond ergonomics to support staff working remotely.

Health Line - 11 Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress

11 Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress

Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances.

At one point or another, most people deal with feelings of stress. In fact, one study found that 33% of adults reported experiencing high levels of perceived stress (1Trusted Source).

The condition is associated with a long list of physical and mental symptoms.

This article will look at 11 common signs and symptoms of stress.

Article Link Here 

Aust Gov - Exercise and mental health

Health Direct

Exercise has many benefits, not only for your physical health but also your mental health. In your brain, exercise stimulates chemicals that improve your mood and the parts of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

Web Link

  • Benefits of exercise
  • Mental health benefits of exercise
  • Exercise and the mind
  • How much exercise do you need?
  • Where to get support

Web Link

Click2Move supports active and health workplaces

Click2Move supports active and health workplaces in Europe through promote health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), co-creating digital solutions to sit less and move more to tackle the challenge of occupational sedentarism in a home-office context.





The CSEP Guidelines information hub features the latest updates and resources for the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep.
Physical activity is a foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Yet increasingly, we are seeing that Canadians of all ages are choosing sedentary activities over active ones. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with the right balance of physical activity and rest, plays an important role in Canadians’ overall health, well-being, and quality of life, regardless of age.

Web Link 




The CSEP Guidelines information hub features the latest updates and resources for the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep.
Physical activity is a foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Yet increasingly, we are seeing that Canadians of all ages are choosing sedentary activities over active ones. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with the right balance of physical activity and rest, plays an important role in Canadians’ overall health, well-being, and quality of life, regardless of age.

Web Link 



WorkCover Qld - Creating healthy and safe computer work

4 videos and notes -  1. Chair Set-Up, - 2. Workstation, - 3. Home Office, - 4. Keep Moving

It's important to think about all aspects of how you work on your computer to stay safe and healthy––no matter where you are working. This means thinking about your equipment, the area where you work, your work activities and your own characteristics such as your height and eyesight needs.

Web Link Click Here 


Beyond Ergo - 3 Simple Checks to Reduce Headaches

Spending long hours looking down at a screen, especially when bright and fairly close to your face is hard on your eyes, and your neck, upper back and shoulder muscles.


Read our 2 min blog post here

SafeWork Australia - Infographic: Four steps to preventing psychological injury at work

Infographic: Four steps to preventing psychological injury at work

Page link here

Download as PDF or png file


WayAhead - Recognising and Managing Stress

Recognising and Managing Stress

What Is Stress?

We are all familiar with stress. It is a normal response that we may experience to some extent every day. Stress is the mind’s and body’s way of preparing us to face a challenge. A certain level of stress is necessary to not only function, but to motivate us to reach our full potential. Too much stress, however, can be a health hazard. The first important step ...

Read Article Here


Cornell University - Ergonomic Guidelines for arranging a Computer Workstation - 10 steps for users

Arranging a Computer Workstation - 10 steps for users

Find 10 Steps here 

Creating a good ergonomic working arrangement is important to protecting your health. The following 10 steps are a brief summary of those things that most Ergonomists agree are important.


Beyond Ergo - Thinking About a Standing Desk?

Should We Rush To Stand?

Professor Alan Hedge at The Cornell University Ergonomics Web released a review on the possible perils of Sitting and Standing at Work Key points include Sitting for “more than 1 hour …leads to the deposit of fats in adipose tissue rather than these being metabolized...

Read blog here

Beyond Ergo - Avoid Headaches, Neck Pain and Eye Strain

Download our FREE illustrated info sheet to avoid common issues that lead to pain!

Swiping or Typing - Screens cause us pain!

A simple practical suggestion to build the new 21st Century skills we all need to -

Reduce Pain and Chance of Injury

These are easy-to-implement no-cost changes for your 

  • Work Environment
  • Tool placement Ergonomics and
  • New wellness behaviours

Download here

WorkCover Qld - Mentally Healthy Workplaces

People as Work

People at Work provides organisations with access to:

  • a reliable and valid psychosocial risk assessment tool
  • resources to support organisations implementing a psychosocial risk management approach and evaluating the effectiveness of chosen interventions.

People at Work is a psychosocial risk assessment process. It aims to help organisations identify and manage workplace risks to the psychological health of all the people who work in the organisation.

Link to Pager Here

Workplace Health Savings Calculator

How much could your business save?

See the potential savings you can expect from a successful workplace health program by measuring absenteeism and staff turnover.

Link to Web Page Here

The return on investment (ROI) calculator is a tool that assists organisations to estimate an indicative return on their investments in work health and safety (WHS). It provides an indication of whether a particular investment (e.g. a new piece of equipment or an employee wellbeing program) will improve an organisation's bottom line.

ROI is a measure of the dollars returned in benefits from a work health and safety initiative for each dollar invested. For example, a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers1 of mental wellbeing interventions found that they returned $2.30 for every dollar invested.

Mental Health Commission of NSW - Evidence Guide PDF

Physical health and mental wellbeing

Evidence Guide

PDF link




Australian Gov - Head to Health

“Managing my physical health is closely tied up with looking after my mental health.”

Web Link 

  • Home
  • Welcome
  • Meaningful Life
  • Mental Health Difficulties
  • Supporting Yourself
  • Supporting someone else
  • Service providers

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper sleep, and cutting down smoking, alcohol, and drug use are vital to physical health and mental wellbeing.

Web Link 


Safe Work Australia - National RTW Strategy

The National Return to Work Strategy took effect on 1 January 2020 following its launch in September 2019 and our presentation at the Actuaries Institute Injury and Disability Schemes Seminar in November 2019.

Web Link 


US Gov - Office Ergonomics: Computer Workstation & Mobile Computing

Office Ergonomics: Computer Workstation & Mobile Computing

Page link here


  • An interactive guide for adjusting your computer workstation and mobile computing.
  • Increase your workstation and mobile computing comfort and productivity
  • Computer Workstation - Covers Chair Adjustment, Workstation Layout, Keyboard & Mouse Placement, and Monitor & Document Placement.
  • Mobile Computing – Covers using laptops and other portable devices in the office, at home, and while travelling.

A properly set-up computer workstation can eliminate discomfort and even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

These self-help courses can help you set-up a safe and comfortable computer workstation:

Office Ergonomics

Office Lighting and Computer Use for Eye Comfort

Sit-Stand Workstations, Help for Workers

Sit-Stand Workstations, Help for Employers

Working from Home Offices? Here's some information to help stay comfortable and productive:

Ergonomics for Home Offices

Home Office Self-Assessment

Work from Home Options

Don't bend, don't break: Setting up a safe and healthy workspace for teleworking (F417-289-000)

New mental injury resources from WorkCover to help employers support workers

New mental injury resources from WorkCover to help employers support workers

Page link here


  • Mental injuries in the workplace are on the rise, and they can sometimes be challenging for employers to navigate.

    Research shows employers play a crucial role in an injured worker’s recovery. In fact, workers who feel supported by their employer are up to five times more likely to return to work after an injury and have positive outcomes.

    That's why WorkCover Queensland has launched new resources to help employers better manage work-related mental injuries.

    The first four videos and factsheets are now available on our Mental injury essentials webpage. These guides answer important questions such as ‘What is a workplace mental injury?’ and ‘How does offering suitable duties benefit my business?’

    Over the next few months WorkCover will be sharing more resources so that employers have the tools needed to better support workers and get them back to work safely.

Small Changes Videos

Small actions to make every day

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How to relieve neck, shoulder and upper back pain


Headaches and a Sore Neck?

Try these simple changes!

Upper Back Pain?

Check for awkward postures

What are MSD's?

Pain and soft tissue injuries are increasingly common among computer and screen users.

Watch this short video to know the signs an how to protect yourself from a very painful injury that can last for months or even years!

Standing to Work?

How to protect your back at standing workstations

TED-Ed - Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç

Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But…

Stretches to Relieve Muscle Soreness

Working with computers and screens is surprisingly hard on your body

Try these simple stretches throughout the day to release tension, reduce muscle pain and help prevent soft tissue injuries.

Choose the Right Shoes

The right shoes will protect your back when standing 

Take A Break

Save these videos to your phone. Relax your mind while on the treadmill or even meditating.

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20 min Waterfall

15 min Pond

Beyond Ergo Statements

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White Paper

Increasing Business Efficiencies through Effective Ergonomic Training

Go to download landing pager here

Capability Statement

Discover how we blend office ergonomics training with your health and wellness goals to build the new ergonomics and self-care competencies needed by our multi-screen, multi-workstation and mobile workforce.

Go to the download page here!

Position Paper

This paper argues that the doubts regarding the benefits of office ergonomics have arisen due to the unrealised gap between research and the development of training that successfully translates that research into health, safety and wellness work skills.

Office ergonomics talks, checklists and workstation assessments provide information, not training.

Go to the download pager here

See our posts

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Regenerative Health | A New Mindset for WHS and Workplace Wellness

Regenerative Health | A New Mindset for WHS and Workplace Wellness

Great leaders don’t just manage risks—they create environments where people thrive. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) and wellness programs are evolving, and the shift to regenerative health presents an opportunity for forward-thinking leaders to drive lasting change....

Is Your Desk Job Killing You! | A Must-Read for Every Leader

Is Your Desk Job Killing You! | A Must-Read for Every Leader

Woking from home seemed like a dream for my client Jean, but six months in, her reality was far from idyllic. Instead of morning yoga and beach walks, her schedule was filled with physio appointments, Cotisone injections, and plans for surgery--all due to neck,...

Contact Us

Beyond Ergo is based in Brisbane with many of our clients located across South East Queensland. However, we deliver Ergonomic programs, talks and presentations to groups employed in computer-based work (e.g. call centres) across Australia.

Ph: 08 6372 4016

Mobile: 0408 751 379


Postal: PO Box 357, Melville WA 6956, Australia
Street: Address: Level 2, 35 Outram St, West Perth, WA 6005