Supporting Self-Care in the Workplace: 10 Easy Ways to Enhance Well-being for Computer-Intensive Teams
In today’s fast-paced work environment, where many of us spend hours in front of computer screens, prioritising self-care is more important than ever. As a manager, supporting your team’s wellbeing not only enhances productivity but also fosters a positive...
Unlocking Mental Resilience: Simple Strategies for Team Well-being!
Conversations about mental health at work are challenging. To the relief of many managers, there are simple ways to support team resilience and start the mental health conversation before needing the bigger and more personal R.U.Okay conversation. This is done by...
The Business Burden of Failing Training for Computer-Intensive Work
(Click here for the Beyond Ergo Business Overview). Our world of knowledge work is morphing at an accelerating pace from the occasional use of calculators to the constant and integrated use of computers by all generations for work, study, leisure, and to manage our...
Reducing Neck Pain Associated with Computer Use: Strengthening Exercises for a Healthier You
Image by stefamerpik on Freepik Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.After a brief overview of four research-backed interventions, this article explains and illustrates why...
PhD Excerpt | Why Current Training Is Failing Call Centre and Office Workers
Office ergonomic training is common, yet high rates of discomfort among operators continue. Here’s why! When I completed my PhD in 2013, it focused on the role of ergonomic training in WHS and Wellness within the Australian Call Centres. It showed that...
The Risks of Using Laptops
Do your staff use laptops? Did you know the ergonomic standards recommend that working with laptops flat on the work surface be limited to 2 hours a day? Are managers unwittingly increasing exposure to risk to Worker Compensation claims? WorkSafe Qld –...
Stress and Career Burnout
Stress-Relieving Tips to Help Busy Professionals Avoid Career Burnout Written by Dr Liz Kirk (PhD) and Julie Morris. Career burnout is a complex phenomenon, a severe emotional state characterised by fatigue, frustration, and exhaustion. Prolonged stress leads to...
Why We Should Worry About WFH & How To Expand Staff Support
The launch into a work from home (WFH) world has demonstrated advantages for employers and employees. However, new research and my professional experience show the WFH shift has been accompanied by growing aches, pain and musculoskeletal discomfort, even with the...