by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Aug 31, 2017 | Injury Prevention
In May 2017 Contact Central Blog, Dr Kirk summarised key elements of effective return to work (RTW) programs and suggested implementation strategies. Now, with an increasing number of agents considering working from home (WFH), new research showing Gen Y’s entering...
by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Aug 9, 2017 | Injury Prevention, Office Ergonomics, Office Health & Wellbeing
Professor Alan Hedge at The Cornell University Ergonomics Web released a review on the possible perils of Sitting and Standing at Work Key points include Sitting for “more than 1 hour …leads to the deposit of fats in adipose tissue rather than these being metabolized...
by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Jan 23, 2017 | Injury Prevention, Office Ergonomics
What can we do Right Now to feel more comfortable at work? We all know the frustration of constant niggling aches and pains at work. Working with computers is surprisingly stressful and physically demanding. The aches and pains can make us irritable and effect our...
by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Aug 17, 2016 | Injury Prevention, Office Health & Wellbeing
Article by: Elizabeth Kirk and Tracey Guile Health and Wellness tips for work should be more than take the stairs and eat a salad. Now we talk about office friendly exercise (or deskercise), stress relief techniques, and work/life balance. But how do you find quick...
by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Aug 10, 2016 | Injury Prevention, Office Ergonomics
The key is to incorporate an easy-to-do, specific approach. By Robert Pater Jul 01, 2016 A wide array of people are, well, minding “mindfulness.” Perhaps because leaders realize many workers are basically going through the motions, not fully connected with...
by Liz Kirk (PhD) | Jul 11, 2016 | Injury Prevention, Training
Call Centre work is Emotionally and Physically Stressful Choose to Care for Yourself Many Years ago…Call centre work was an important part of my working life. My days were long and filled with rolling calls, new product releases, glancing at the call que, and...