
In today’s fast-paced, computer-intensive work environment, employees are increasingly prone to musculoskeletal discomfort and chronic pain, which significantly impacts both their well-being and workplace productivity. Despite these risks, many organisations continue to rely on outdated training models that fail to equip staff with the skills needed to protect themselves from injury. To combat this growing issue, it’s essential to shift from traditional ergonomics checklists to comprehensive self-care competencies. This article explores why updating workplace training to include self-care strategies is crucial for preventing pain, enhancing productivity, and fostering a healthier, more resilient workforce.


1. Addressing Modern Work Challenges

Today’s work environment is vastly different from the past. With the rise of mobile devices, multiple screens, sit-stand workstations, hybrid or remote work, and increasingly sedentary work, traditional ergonomics training no longer provides sufficient protection. Self-care competencies equip employees with the knowledge and skills to adapt to this complexity, reducing the risks associated with computer-based work.


2. Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)

Musculoskeletal disorders are a major issue in computer-based roles, leading to chronic pain, absenteeism, presenteeism, and reduced productivity. Training that focuses on self-care competencies teaches employees how to recognise discomfort early and take proactive steps to prevent it from escalating into long-term injuries, protecting both their health and the business.


3. Improving Employee Productivity and Engagement

When staff are in pain, they are less productive and engaged. By empowering employees with self-care skills, organisations can help them manage or eliminate pain triggers, leading to increased focus, better performance, and improved morale.


4. Meeting Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Obligations

An employer or business owner has a primary duty of care for staff and is responsible for work health and safety in the workplace. To meet that obligation, employers are required to take reasonable steps to ensure health and safety by providing information, training instruction and supervision and adequate workplace facilities for everyone in your workplace.

However, most training programs fall short of addressing the specific risks associated with modern, computer-based work. By updating training to include self-care competencies, organisations demonstrate a proactive approach to meeting the WHS obligations while fostering a safer work environment.


5. Reducing Economic and Humanitarian Costs

Chronic pain and injury lead to significant economic costs, including lost productivity, increased healthcare expenses, and high employee turnover. Self-care competencies help employees avoid these issues, ultimately reducing the financial burden on businesses while also improving the quality of life for employees.


6. Building a Healthier and More Resilient Workforce

Providing employees with the skills to care for their well-being fosters a culture of health, resilience, and personal responsibility. Employees who can manage their health are more likely to stay engaged, remain productive, and contribute positively to the business over the long term.


7. Expanding Workplace Health, Safety, And Wellness Programs Makes Economic Sense

Research shows that implementing structured health and wellbeing strategies has numerous business benefits. Programs can improve overall worker health by 24%, productivity by 29%, absence due to sickness by 21% and positively affect presenteeism and creativity. In fact, the Australian WorkScore survey revealed employees in companies investing in employee wellbeing felt more engaged, energetic, and happier at work.

A healthier, safer, and more productive workforce drives a buoyant bottom line and creates a prosperous business.


Updating training to include self-care competencies isn’t just a best practice—it’s necessary for organisations aiming to protect their workforce, meet compliance standards, and maintain a competitive edge in the modern workplace.


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