Are you a leader looking for simple ways to support team health and wellbeing?

Would you like to discover the one simple habit that can reduce upper body aches and pain by 50% when you work with computers?

Then, this month’s newsletter is an absolute cracker.

It is the start of a series of articles on simple, no-cost ways to support your team by helping them build the skills they need to reduce aches and pain and be more comfortable and productive at work.

Over 86% of staff suffer work-related pain from computer-intensive work, and the most significant areas of musculoskeletal discomfort are the Neck, Upper Back and Shoulders.

Staying focused and maintaining workflow is hard when you’re in pain. Upper back, shoulder and neck pain or stiffness are widespread among computer users. These symptoms are also associated with headaches and even migraines.


Discover the simple ROLL–RESET–RELAX habit that

  • Releases muscle tension
  • Resets and builds postural mindfulness
  • and Relaxes you back into a neutral work posture


With no extra work on your part.

  • Simple read through the coaching sheet, practice the actions and pin up the poster to remind your team to: ROLL – REST – RELAX
Here are the links you need! 

To download the Roll-Rest-Relax poster – Click Here

Subscribe to the Beyond Ergo Newsletter – Click Here