Call Centre work is Emotionally and Physically Stressful
Choose to Care for Yourself
Many Years ago…Call centre work was an important part of my working life. My days were long and filled with rolling calls, new product releases, glancing at the call que, and wishing I didn’t need to pee.
So trying to stay focused with that “bubbly friendly” tone in my voice while trying to shrug off the yelling customers or the ones that sound truly desperate (harder than the shouters) was exhausting.
At the end of each day those bouncy extraverts that would burst out of work to go on to movies, parties or nightclubs while all I ever wanted to do was get home, find a very quiet spot (and maybe a glass of wine) and chill out, by myself, for at least an hour.
Then I listened to Brian Little’s TED talk. The difference between the ‘working you’ and the ‘real you’ became clear. Also the need to really understand who you are so you can care for yourself.
Choosing to Care for Yourself
Call centre work is emotionally and physically stressful. Make sure you find your pamper point. Go for a run as you leave work, go out with friends, go for a quiet meditation after the kids are in bed.
What is something you can look forward to that will renew your energy and release the stress of the day?
Choose to take care of yourself. Because taking care of yourself is a choice that only you can make!
#PracErgo #CallCentre #Stress #Wellness&Fitness