The simple habit to release muscle tension and reset your posture!

Roll, Reset, Relax

  • Reduce upper body aches and pain by 50%
  • Over 80% of staff already report work-related musculoskeletal pain! Over 11% experience chronic pain – that is pain that does not go away after rest!
  • Making this simple Roll Reset Relax into a work habit will significantly reduce upper-back and neck pain.
  • Sit back, roll your shoulders, take a deep breath and relax.

Download our FREE flyer to remind your staff and colleagues. This new work habit is essential!

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Be Mindful - Take the time to reset your work posture!

Discover the common postures that lead to pain while working with computers.

Sharing this video and demonstrating the Roll Reset Relax with staff will help them avoid the pain, increase comfort, and reduce the risk of an expensive work-related injury.

Download our FREE flyer to remind your staff and colleges about this essential work habit!


We help businesses improve productivity and labour costs by decreasing work-related pain and risk of injury claims.  We do this by going beyond traditional ergonomics to train the Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) individuals need for modern computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary work and supporting leaders in reviewing skills to ensure transfer as everyday workplace health, safety and wellness habits.

These are the new multidiscipline programs that go Beyond Ergonomics to build Self-Care Competencies for today’s mobile, computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary workforce.