
A New Tier of Training Building Self-Care Competencies for Screen-Intensive Work

Health, Wellbeing & Productivity Training for Computer-Intensive Work. 

Research shows that less than 10% of people implement current ergonomic training they have attended into their day-to-day jobs.

Our increasingly agile, hot-desking, sit-stand, telecommuting, and multi-screen-using workforce has created a new level of complexity that current ergonomics programs were not designed to manage, and no amount of policies and procedures, talks and audits can ensure the standard of health and safety support expected in a modern workplace.

What We Do | Beyond Ergo helps businesses improve productivity and labour costs by decreasing work-related pain and risk of injury claims. We do this by going beyond the ergonomics to train the Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) individuals need for modern computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary work and by supporting leaders in reviewing these skills to ensure transfer as everyday WHS and wellness habits.

Expect more from your office ergonomics training!

office ergonomic injury prevention computers

New Virtual Workshop

Beyond Ergonomics: Embracing Self-Care for the Computer-Intensive Workforce

In the age of technology, where computers drive our professional lives, success has come at a cost. Shockingly, over 86% of office workers and staff in contact centres report experiencing aches and pains, with more than 11% suffering from chronic pain. The sedentary nature of computer-based work has also been linked to a rise in chronic illnesses like heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, depression, and various forms of cancer.

These health issues aren’t just personal challenges; they have significant implications for businesses. Chronic pain alone costs the Australian economy a staggering $55 billion annually, with $7 billion lost in productivity. These numbers underscore the urgent need for a shift in how we approach workplace health and wellness.

Introducing the Beyond Ergo: Three Pillars of Self-Care Workshop

We believe it’s time to go beyond traditional ergonomic practices and embrace a holistic approach that includes self-care competencies. Our program is designed to empower leaders and their teams with practical, effective, and research-backed solutions tailored to the demands of modern computer-intensive work.

By clicking here, you can discover how our program offers a multidisciplinary range of skills, including 1) personalising ergonomic recommendations to match stature, 2) fostering a broad range of positive work behaviours, and 3) incorporating targeted physical conditioning to prevent injuries and promote faster recovery.

Join us in redefining workplace health and productivity. Click here to learn more and take the first step towards a healthier, more resilient workforce.


Training At A Glance

These new and unique Beyond Ergo programs are research based and informed by industry needs. Programs are rigorously tested to deliver long-term outcomes.
Programs range from fun, interactive lunchbox talks to a fully integrated injury prevention program.
We don’t labour the theory. Your staff will walk away with new insights and practical easy to apply skills designed to decrease pain and increase productivity.


“To effectively reduce injuries takes more than a one-off training moment.

We must commit to developing a safety culture supported at all levels of leadership.”

Our programs do more than deliver information

Our programs provide the new work skills needed by your team. Such skills help employees manage their immediate work environments, personalise their office ergonomics and most importantly, build and support the new personal work habits needed to reduce pain and increase productivity.

Our program,

  • Transforms the latest office ergonomics and healthy work behaviour recommendations into habitual work practices.
  • Equips staff with the ability to quickly adjust their own workspace to match their individual body size, job design and personal needs. Adjustment is done by them – not to them!
  • Ensures individuals can take responsibility for personal health, safety and comfort.
  • Reduces the need for additional expensive furniture, gadgets or external consultants.

4 Other Great Things We Do:

  1. Provide individual attention to ensure each trainee can apply the latest ergonomics and wellness recommendations in the workplace as work skills.

We don’t teach generic rules. When completing the full injury prevention program, each trainee has the ability to quickly personalise their immediate work space no matter where they work.

  1. Conduct a pre and post-training survey and participant questionnaire to refine and target the program (No cookie cutter training here!).
  2. Provide diagnostic tools and training audits to ensure long-term training application and skills development.
  3. Deliver detailed management reports post training to track changes and measure tangible outcomes. Where possible, these reports include in-house measures of absenteeism, workers compensation claims and use of medical services to determine ROI.

In other words – we deliver measurable results!

Want proven results from your Office Ergonomic and Injury Prevention Training?